Gambling Industry Harm Statistics


Harm from gambling is a significant global public health issue, with negative impacts on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. Research has shown that the harm caused by gambling is comparable to that associated with major depressive disorders and substance misuse.​

Overview of the Gambling Industry

The gambling industry, including online platforms, presents both risks and opportunities in identifying and addressing problem gambling behaviors.​ With the global gambling industry’s worth estimated at billions, there is a pressing need to address the evolving landscape of gambling products and services to mitigate associated harms.​

Scale of the Problem

Global gambling revenue continues to soar, with the industry generating billions annually.​ The industry’s rapid evolution, particularly in online gambling, raises concerns about the increasing prevalence of gambling-related harm worldwide.​

Gambling Revenue Statistics By Country

The global gambling industry, encompassing casinos and online platforms, had an estimated worth of $249 billion in 2022.​ Forecasts predicted growth to $263.​3 billion in 2023٫ showing a steady rise in revenue.​ However٫ these figures still fall short of the industry’s peak revenue of $334 billion in 2013٫ indicating fluctuations in financial performance over the years.

Public Health Concerns

Gambling is a major public health concern due to its potential to cause harm to individuals, families, and communities. The negative impacts of gambling on mental health and well-being are comparable to those associated with major depressive disorders and substance misuse.​ It is crucial to address these harms effectively to safeguard public health.​

Online gambling poses unique risks for problem gambling, but also offers opportunities for early intervention. The use of behavioral markers of harm by gambling companies aims to estimate and mitigate risks associated with gambling-related harm, highlighting the industry’s ongoing efforts to address these issues.​

Interventions and Policy

Gambling-related harm requires a comprehensive public health response, involving evidence-based interventions and robust policies to mitigate the negative impacts of gambling on individuals and communities.​ Strategies must focus on prevention, education, treatment, and harm reduction to address the multifaceted challenges posed by problem gambling effectively.​

Global Impact of Gambling-Related Harms

Online gambling presents both risks and opportunities for addressing problem gambling behaviors.​ A consortium of gambling companies has committed to using behavioral markers of harm to estimate and mitigate risks associated with gambling-related harm, highlighting industry efforts in harm prevention.​

Risk Factors and Vulnerable Populations

Gambling-related harm disproportionately affects vulnerable populations such as older adults, with research highlighting the impact of life-stage experiences on susceptibility to gambling harm.​ Understanding the individual, socio-cultural, and environmental factors influencing gambling behaviors among different demographics is crucial for effective prevention and intervention strategies.​

Understanding the Impact on Different Demographics

Research focuses on demographic disparities in gambling-related harm, particularly among older adults who are vulnerable due to life-stage experiences.​ Understanding the various factors influencing gambling behaviors across different demographics is essential for tailored interventions and effective prevention strategies.​

Future Trends and Challenges

The growing digital landscape in the gambling industry poses challenges and opportunities for harm prevention and intervention strategies.​ Technological advancements, such as digital payment methods and online platforms, require innovative approaches to address gambling-related harms effectively in the evolving landscape of the industry.​

Technological Advancements and Their Influence on Gambling Behaviors

Online gambling platforms are continuously evolving, introducing new technologies that can both facilitate and exacerbate gambling-related harm.​ The expansion of digital payment methods and the accessibility of online gambling platforms raise concerns about the potential impact on individuals’ gambling behaviors and the effectiveness of harm prevention strategies in the digital era.​